CSC Invitational has come and gone. This was a tough one as only 8 amateurs were aloud in the entire race. Hekman and I were lucky enough to be chosen to take part of the 8 man "Composite All Star" team. They put Mark and I up in the Hyatt Regency (thanks Arlington Sports), which was super nice. Friday night we bounced out to have a quick peak at Washington DC and get some dinner. Saturday rolled around before we knew it and it was HOT. 100k on a 1k course, the temp was about 95 and sunny, and we were set for a 12:30 start. Our composite jersey was that of the Harley Davidson Team.. which is completely black...nice, make it hotter. Well needless to say I had a shit race. I tried to chill for the 1st part.. then moved up nicely and was feeling pretty good except I was on fire... I basically boiled over a little over halfway and came unglued at the seems. Apparently we had some people feeding us but I never saw them... Oh well, had a shit race, not sure it was the heat, the legs, or that my jersey and shorts didn't match.. prolly the latter (haha).. but either way I was shit and not happy about it. only 50 finishers and Hek did a great job sticking it out for 13th and keeping his overall lead in the Crit Series. We had a good night in DC Sat night and then it was on a flight home on Sunday. Back into some training and getting ready for Tour of Ohio in a couple weeks.
Myself, Liz and Hamblen try to figure out the new space age parking meters in DC

We didn't match very well....

Although the orange matched Mark's hair....
hey, you're on the phone- wierd
Nice taught buttock..
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