Sunday, November 30, 2008

I'm in Paradise!

I didn't think this trip would this amazing. Our first day was unreal. We flew into Belize City and had to take a little 8 person jumper plane to another smaller island. And if that wasn't secluded enough, our resort picked us up and from there we took a private boat about 20 minutes out to our resort. Of course Tara and I had em stop at the local store to get some beers for the trip:-) As we docked at the resort our host greeted us with drinks! I love this place!

Needless to say we didn't do to much but relax and snoop around the first day. We took the boat back into town for dinner but ended up headin back and chillin at the resort bar... nothing like a bar on the beach with your own bartender!! The boat ride back in the dark was pretty freaky but super cool at the same time. Gonna plan some excursions today, can't wait for those. Time to be lazy and lay on the beach!

The view from our little "Fantasy Island" plane

Our resort

What a view!

Me and T being lazy...

What a great name for a liquer store...


BVDG said...

thats sweet man! I had no idea you were heading out on vacation... you getting stoked for team meeting #1? Im trying to think of something more weather appropriate than the waterfall...

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