Sorry for no updates lately. Just been trying to press on and get through to Vegas.. which is now over thank god. Was a good time out there but the race went pretty average. Was good to see the boys one last time and take part in my good friend and teammates last race. Vegas was Jeff Hopkins last race as he is retiring after this year. Jeff and I raced together one of his first years in the states and I am glad I got to race with him in his last year as well. We had a little champagne toast after the race and everyone was wondering why we were celebrating when none of us finished the race.. haha pretty funny..

Well its onto the off-season now which I have been looking forward to for a while. I can't wait to put this crazy year behind me and get a fresh start on next year. Really looking forward to a hard off season so I can come out with my guns blazing next year. Will keep ya updated on the team front and what colors I will be wearing next year. This year is always an exciting time:-)
Thanks for every ones support this year!! was a tough one so I really needed it.. thanks!!! m@
Uhhhhh, what colors will you be wearing? I think you know exactly what colors they will be! - Chad
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