This past weekend Tara and I packed up our new car:-) and headed to Windsor to race. It was cool because her parents made the trip over and we got to visit with them.
The Windsor race is a cool race... 100k on a pan flat 4 corner course. With only about 80 guys and some big teams there I thought a break might go and since I was the sole Inferno rider I figured I'd go for broke.
Well I made the break of 9 with a little over halfway to go. The mix was perfect with 2 Roadhouse, a Team Race guy and a JetFuel rider. We gained almost a minute and then the organization just fell apart. We ended getting caught with like 10 laps to go which was a bummer. I tried to mix it up in the end but was pretty dead so my end result was nill. Oh well gave it a go.
Monday was a race in Detroit and I raced pretty average after a night of no sleep. Good race but not much excitement for me and I ended up 20th. I raced hard all weekend and got some good fitness from it so all is good.
I ran into a buddy of mine that I haven't seen in a bit this weekend... Jamie Smith. He has been announcing bike races since I started forever ago and has put out a pretty sweet book explaining the life of bike racing called "Roadie". I have only started reading it but it is very good so far. I will finish it up this weekend and will have a review up next week. Pick up a copy and help out a fellow cyclist and an all around good cat. (you can get it on
Next stop Priority Health in that state up north. 2 big races and probably my last weekend on the road for the year until Vegas.... Thank god.
I thought that was a pic of Jaime G on your blog. But nope, its you.
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