WOW was it miserable down south... Tim, Josh, B2D2 (now known as Dupree) Hayden and myself all jumped in the Matrix Team Car and headed down to Hekman's farm. Pretty sweet set up Mark has down there and he was nice enough to house all 100 of us for the weekend. After a little opener race on Friday the big race came upon us on Sat. I had a miserable time breathing... not sure if it was asthma or what.. but the opening laps were super slow and I felt like I was breathing through a straw thinking man this is gonna suck when we start going fast... which it did.. which turned into a shitty race for me. Pretty weird race with 2 guys just rolling off in the end and no one wanting to chase. Chalk that one up as a bad race.. oh yeah, I fell to 7th in the overall for the crit series but Hek still leads and we are still winning the team comp... A few big weeks in on the horizon with Elk Grove (big money) and Crit nationals... zoom zoom
Of course the boyz hit out after the race for a few quiet ones.. as we do... and met a new posse of friends... as we do....

Had to post this pic from Boise as well... for everyone that thinks Rich is super cool... yes, he riders mopeds and was caught not only riding one.... but riding bitch on one... love you $rich$
5 comments: gay right now!!!
dammit. you said you werent goin to post that photo. ARGH!
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