Our Sunday ride is turning into a great ride. We have done it the past 2 weekends and it is starting to grow. This week it was a cold and windy 38 degrees and we still had almost 20 guys show up. You know its cold out when Grisvard actually has sleeves on...:-) We even had people drive in from Granville to do the ride. It was a nice 3 hour ride at about 20 mph. This is a great ride for this time of the year since everyone is at different fitness and skill levels. We even had a new guy show up that has only ridden for 6 months. So if your thinking about coming out.. come out.. this ride is for everyone... Hope we can keep this rolling and get a good casual social ride through the winter. Its nice to have a ride where everyone gets along and just catches up... even if it is cold out... Just what we need in the bus!
Ride Info:
When: Every Sunday
Time: 10am
Where: Starbucks in Old Dublin on rt161 just west of the river
For who: All catagories, All levels
Info: very casual social ride just to get some bike time in. There will be no hard efforts, just a constant 20 mph.. no sprints, nothing hard. We will wait on riders with flats and will have designated pee stops if need be. Don't be scared come ride!

Cold day.. had to wear every piece of cycling gear I own.

Isiah trying to catch snow flakes...
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