Thursday, November 20, 2008

Florida weekend

Last weekend I traveled to sunny Florida to do a bit of practicing and mix it up from being in the cold. My buddy John was going down there to do the Horrible 100 ride and I thought I would meet up with him and get a couple days of good training in.

So I flew in Saturday and hit up the 100 mile ride on Sunday and a nice little spin on Monday before flying back to the cold. Was a good time as I spent some time on the beach and met some great people. Monday we did a nice leasure ride up and down the coast with this guy Mark, a buddy of John and Daryl's from down there. Mark was fresh back on the bike after having some heart trouble and it was inspiring to hear his story and to see how excited he was to be back on the bike. I am looking forward to heading back down south and catching up with everyone soon. It was a blast!

The view from the condo

John, me, Daryl, and Mark

Beautiful backdrop for a ride