Tuesday, June 17, 2008

I'm back!

Well my 1st weekend back racing was somewhat successful. I did the 1st 2 stages for Summer Solstice Stage Race that was about 1 hour from my house. A 50 mile RR on Friday night and a 65 mile RR on Saturday. Friday night was raining and pretty crappy. We were outnumbered big time and in the end I was 2nd in the field sprint for 6th. Not bad after doing a fair bit of work.

Saturday was nice and hot just the way I like it. The team rode well and we just came up short catching the breakaway and I ended up 3rd in the end. So pretty happy with the fitness and my true test will be tonight at Stage 1 of Tour of Ohio. We have a strong team here again this year and we are looking forward to nothing but success this week. I will keep this updated as much as possible. Super excited to back in the game.

till next time!