Friday, April 25, 2008

Here we go...

Speedweek and Athens twilight are here! Today I jump on a flight down south and hit Athens Twilight on Saturday. We follow it up with 5 crits starting Tuesday again through Sunday. Last year we had great success here winning Athens and the overall. It gave us incredible momentum for the whole year so hopefully we can kick off the season on the same note. I am super excited about our squad down here again this year and look forward to these upcoming races. I have been feeling pretty decent this week but we will have to see what that relates to in the big show. Tara is coming down for the weekend which I am super excited about. This is her first time to twilight... can't wait to show her how crazy it is down there! We don't race on Sunday so it will be good to catch up with some old mates after the race:-) Will try to keep this updated with pics and what not.... here we go.... m@